This is my be the best person I can be while learning to live with FASD/Bipolar/Schizophrenic and several other learning disabilities all because of the the decisions my birth mother made during her pregnancy.

Monday, February 8, 2010

A day with the Bonneville crew.

The CTE techers came to Soth Ogdin Junior High to show us wat their is to do at Bonniville. We tried to find out wat alternitivs there are.there was law inforcment, chiled and divelopment, digitol phatogrify, TV brodcast, baking , and Amaricon sign-langwig. It was alot of fun to wonder around and to see all of the opertunitys there are. And I now know at wan't to learn at Bonniville.

1 comment:

  1. It is always good to look at ALL your options. It must have been exciting to see all the different choices you have.
